telecomunication & networking

let's communicate to make comunication BETTER n just dun allow any MISScommunication between us!

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

last notes b4 the final!!!...its just around d crner..sooo nerbesss! 4 diz week lcture's Dr.Dayang xplained bout the internet infrastructure.internet protocol(IP),internet access provider(IAP) and also HTTP.

internet infrastructure:

Infrastructure is the physical hardware used to interconnect computers and users-the transmission media, including telephone lines, cable television lines, and satellites and antennas, and also the routers, aggregators, repeaters, and other devices that control transmission paths.

internet protocol (IP) :
*IP is an address of a computer or other network device on a network.IP is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet.
For example, the number "" is an example of such an address. These addresses are similar to an addresses used on a house and is what allows data to reach the appropriate destination on a network.
 ip address:
  • in two form- binary form (10011000.11011001.11101101.11110001)
                       -decimal form (
  • consist of 4 octet
  • each octet consist of 8 bits (4 octet X 8 bits = 32 bits/IP add)
 There are five classes of available IP ranges: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E, while only A, B, and C are commonly used. Each class allows for a range of valid IP addresses.

ClassAddress RangeSupports
Class A1.0.0.1 to 16 million hosts on each of 127 networks.
Class B128.1.0.1 to 65,000 hosts on each of 16,000 networks.
Class C192.0.1.1 to 254 hosts on each of 2 million networks.
Class D224.0.0.0 to for multicast groups.
Class E240.0.0.0 to for future use, or Research and Development Purposes.

internet access provider:
In order to connect to the Internet, you need an IAP. It is the company that you (or your parents) pay a monthly fee to in order to use the Internet. If you use a dial-up modem to connect to your IAP, a point-to-point protocol (PPP) connection is established with another modem on the IAP's end. That modem connects to one of the IAP's routers, which routes you to the Internet "backbone." From there, you can access information from anywhere around the world. DSL and cable modems work the same way, except after you connect the first time, you are always connected.

*time,unifi,jaring,streamyx,,maxis,celcom are the examples of internet access provider that are available in our country.


HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.

*URL in internet browser >  HTTP command >  web server > web page

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