There are many web browsers that we usually use... mozilla firefox,google chrome,internet explorer,opera and etc.
HOW TO SEARCH WEB???.........
Search engines -> software that enables users to search the internet (World Wide Web) using keywords.

Directories (subjects and names) -> classification of pages by keywords from the users. List of pages that will bring the users to the information needed or anything related.
Meta-Search -> search more than search engine nor subject directory.The results shown is compiled in convenient display.
search techniques -> use subject directories, identify the key concepts, synonym and variant word forms in order to get the best result from the web search.
*DO YOU KNOW THAT....there are some TECHNIQUES that can make our life EASIER.>.<
A bookmark in a Web browser is essentially the same thing as a bookmark in a book. It saves the page URL/location, allowing you to come back to it whenever you may need to. It saves the user from remembering their exact path to finding a certain website or page.
clEar history
The address of every web page you visit is recorded in
your browser history file. Your browser checks the history file
every time you visit a web page, which is how it knows how to change
the colour of links you have already visited. You can access your
file with most browsers by typing the command <ctrl>-h.
CleAr caChe
The most common uses of a history file are described below:
- Revisit sites. If you visited a site somewhere on the Internet and would like to return, but can't remember the URL, you can often find it in your history file. You can search for the site by the date visited, or by a text string search, and then double-click the entry to visit it.
- Search. You can search your history file for keywords to find sites you may have forgotten you visited.
- Delete. You can delete entries in your history file by highlighting them and pressing <delete>. When you subsequently visit a page with those links, they will be coloured like normal links that have never been visited.
You can also specify how long to keep pages in your history file:
Internet Explorer: Tools / Internet Options / General / History
Mozilla Firefox: Tools / Options / Privacy / History
The temporary internet files and cookies, which make up the "browser cache," are what help the browser keep track of the information that is displayed on a web page. Normally they are updated each time a page is viewed, but from time to time, the folder is filled or the files themselves can become outdated or corrupt. Erasing these files will have no effect on other data stored on the computer. Before clearing the cache, make sure all other browser windows are closed except one. Once the cache has been cleared, the browser must be closed and restarted. Additionally, the Log off button should be used when ANGEL coursework has been completed, rather than simply closing the browser. Doing so will help prevent any future cache issues.
how to make it clear???..just click.http://hhelp.yahoo/clear cache in web browser.
cLeaR URL hisTory.
cLeaR URL hisTory.
URL history are the list of your visited URL on the pages. If you don't clear URL history files, your web browser automatically
keeps a detailed record of all web sites you've visited usually for more
than forty days. The history feature enables you to have a more exact
internet surfing experience.
For example, each time you type
in a word into the URL address bar, a previously viewed website appears
in the drop down menu of your browser. If someone has previously visited
www.hotsex.com, This URL will show for all URL you enter beginning with
the letter "H". Clear URL history to avoid the web browser from
displaying your previous URL entries.
Want to make sure nobody can snoop and see where you've been on the
Internet?hehehehe...here i come.!!
if you
want to eliminate only specific private searches from your URL history
because there are other users of your PC who would like their URLs
logged, you can selectively clear URL history files.
Just try it out....
Just try it out....
1-Click Start on the
2-Go to Settings.
3-Click Control Panel.
4-Double-click Internet
5-Make sure the General
tab is selected.
6-Click Clear History in
the History box.
7-Click OK when it asks
if you want to delete all items in
your history folder.
8-Click OK at the bottom
of the General box to exit.
Note: Even though you have followed the steps to delete your URL
history, it can still be recovered by a savvy PC user. This is the
result of Windows recover technology. Only editing your registry
manually or using third party software such as a registry cleaner tool
or privacy software will allow you to permanently clear URL history
muLti-tAskIng.Multitasking, in an operating system, is allowing a user to perform more than one computer task (such as the operation of an application program) at a time. The operating system is able to keep track of where you are in these tasks and go from one to the other without losing information. Microsoft Windows2000, IBM's OS/390, and Linux are examples of operating systems that can do multitasking (almost all of today's operating systems can). When you open your Web browser and then open Word at the same time, you are causing the operating system to do multitasking.
Being able to do multitasking doesn't mean that an unlimited number of
tasks can be juggled at the same time. Each task consumes system
storage and other resources. As more tasks are started, the system may
slow down or begin to run out of shared storage.
*such a greatfull to have MULTITASKING body parts..hehehe
In computing, a plug-in (or plugin) is a set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application. If supported, plug-ins enable customizing the functionality of an application. For example, plug-ins are commonly used in web browsers to play video, scan for viruses, and display new file types. Well-known plug-ins examples include Adobe Flash Player, QuickTime, and Microsoft Silverlight.
*such a greatfull to have MULTITASKING body parts..hehehe
In computing, a plug-in (or plugin) is a set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application. If supported, plug-ins enable customizing the functionality of an application. For example, plug-ins are commonly used in web browsers to play video, scan for viruses, and display new file types. Well-known plug-ins examples include Adobe Flash Player, QuickTime, and Microsoft Silverlight.
Add-on (or addon) in computing is
often considered the general term comprising snap-ins, plug-ins, extensions,
and themes for software applications.[1
The Web Browser Plug-in section of Web Tools contains direct links to information about the most widely used plug-ins and helper applications. A list of online resources is also provided which contains detailed information on these and other plug-ins and helper applications not specifically addressed in this section. |
Below is a compiled list of the most widely used web browser
plug-ins. Each direct link contains detailed information specific to each of
the plug-ins. Download information is also provided at these sites. If the
plug-in you are seeking is not listed below, please use the additional
resources listed on this page.
Additional Resources:BROWSERS.COM's Top Plug-ins
BrowserWatch's Plug-In Plaza!
Netscape Inline Plug-ins
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